Thursday, January 20, 2011

Active Imagination

Had an experience of wondering if I got through to a client.
My answer:
Had a dream that night that my kitty was lost and I went into
the crowd for her meowing.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Laurie Anderson is in Berkeley at the Zellerbach. No review yet but I am going. I love her violin electronics and the visuals with story. Hope you see it too and talk to me about it.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Changing Blog Site

To all my followers, I will be discontinuing this blog. Please follow me on Thanks so much. Janell

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I am interested in meaning-making in my life, a term I first read in Carl Jung's work. It interests me how our dreams, healing work (particularly hypnotherapy with the trance element), and creativity overlap. Bringing the "feminine" into our culture is how our country could change for the better. If the Oscar Award Winner for best movie, The Hurt Locker, is the film that tells us what 2009 was - a film about addiction to killing and subsequent rush in the body, then the "feminine" is what we need to balance our society. (Feminine and masculine are old terms and could be better said as different ways of being intelligent/receiving information) the intuitive, feeling vrs the sensate and rational.